Tour de France 2015

le Tour De Brunch

This fantastically fabulous champagne glass was hand painted by my forever friend Lisa Campbell. Its insane. Love it. Really really really love it. Really. 

Don't forget to check our Tour de France collection at the #TableSettingIsMyLife Etsy Store. Includes easy printer friendly instant downloads! 

For more le tour ideas, check out our previous Tour de France posts.

 Or check out our Tour de France decorations at  #TableSettingIsMyLife on Esty.


A term which is frequently used by cyclists to indicate respect for another's achievements. By saying "chapeau", which literally means "hat", the rider is doffing his cap to a colleague for a good day's riding.

Bob Benson 1954 - 2017
The Dad, the breakaway leader who started the family's obsession with le Tour de France.  
